Help Us Continue Megan's Legacy Today
What is the NICU?
NICU stands for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The NICU is a unit that specializes in the care of premature and ill infants. Having a baby in the NICU can be a very intense experience for families. Megan's Mission hopes to do everything we can to make the babies and families more comfortable.
How can I help?
Megan's Mission is currently accepting new and handmade baby blankets and board books.Items can be dropped off at Powell Pharmacy, Local Roots, Liberty Presbyterian Church, Hyatt's Middle School and Berlin High School. Items can also be mailed to:
Megan's NICU Mission
10801 Weymouth Ave.
Powell, OH 43065
Monetary donations are also accepted We will purchase items needed for the NICU!
Where do my donations go?
All donations go to the Nationwide Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Central Ohio. Donations benefit NICU babies and families in loving Memory of our heavenly NICU nurse, Megan.